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Prepare for IELTS: Skills and Strategies Reading and Writing (Book Two)

Berat 0.64
Tahun 2009
Halaman 240
Ukuran 21 x 30 cm
ISBN 9789792250664
Penerbit Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Sinopsis       Buku Sejenis
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This book is designed to provide you with useful strategies and tips to help you prepare for the IELTS listening and speaking tests.

+ improve comprehension and understanding
+ all question types addressed with extensive practice activities
+ strategies to answer questions effectively

+ practice topics and strategies to maximise performance
+ all IELTS assessment criteria addressed
+ range of tasks and activities for extensive practice for each part of the speaking test
+ activities to practise fluency and pronunciation
+ photocopiable materials (prompt cards for speaking and topic cards for impromptu talks)

+ all question types addressed with extensive practice activities
+ strategies to answer questions effectively

+ all IELTS assessment criteria addressed
+ extensive range of topics, essay questions and sample answers for task 1
+ sample answers analysed according to the assessment criteria
+ up-to-date rubrics for the Writing tasks

Reports for listening, speaking, reading and writing are cross-referenced with assessment criteria (speaking and Writing) or question types (listening and reading).
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SafaruddinSafaruddin, 04 November, 2013
Rating: 3 dari 5 Bintang!
Saya memesan buku rabu tapi sampai hair selasa....masih belum bisa lebih cepat.
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