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English for Islamic Studies: Untuk Perguruan Tinggi Islam Negeri dan Swasta

Berat 0.40
Halaman 402
Penerbit Pustaka Pelajar
Sinopsis          Buku Sejenis
Harga: Rp70.000
Dikirim 2-5 hari berikutnya SETELAH pembayaran diterima. (Senin s/d Jumat, kecuali hari libur)


Islamic studies is not merely based on Islam itself, but it closely related to the actual life of the believers. Life is unseparable with many aspects of Islam in wide range, namely economy, politics, science and technology, culture an so forth. Based on the arguments above, we tend to the statement that Islam covers various kinds of life and they have been independent. Starting from the ideology, this book aims to contribute to the learners for learnings of Islamic teaching through international language, means Engliish. Discussion of this book has been enlage and widen with huge scope of contemporary Islamic issues. It is certainly relevant to the actual need of Islamic horizon in the part of world. This discussion is also sharpen with current issues of local wisdom and newest topics. The learners are served with the rich of grammatical and structural problem of englis language. All are aimed to support the learners with variuos kond of English language with grammar and structure discussion on islamic issues. Exercise added in this book is one pof the new colour of learning islam through English language. The learners in this case, would gain both language skill and knowledge of Islam as well.
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