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Bananas and Banana Waste: Livestock Feed, Food, Alternative Medicine, and Non-Food Industries

Berat 0.72
Tahun 2024
Halaman 234
ISBN 978-623-376-523-7
Penerbit Graha Ilmu
Sinopsis       Buku Sejenis
Harga: Rp179.800
Dikirim 2-5 hari berikutnya SETELAH pembayaran diterima. (Senin s/d Jumat, kecuali hari libur)


This book discusses the potential of bananas and their waste to be developed into various products such as animal feed, alternative food, alternative medicine, and non-food industrial products. Banana waste can be used in livestock feed in amounts of 10-30% depending on the type of waste and livestock. It can also be made into various food products like cakes, nuggets, shredded meat, vinegar, nata, crackers, etc. It is also rich in active compounds that can treat a variety of diseases. In addition, this waste can be developed into textile fiber products, fertilizers, sound dampeners, water filters, heavy metal absorbers, natural dyes, natural antioxidants, organic acids, natural fuels, surgical threads, and more.
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